Well, I sort of forgot to post my April books read post and it's a third of the way through May and I'm just getting around to posting something. Yes, I've been neglecting my blog and Shelfari and only really updating my reading list on Goodreads. I don't know what's up with me, but my online interactions have been nearly nil lately.
When I really think about though, I think two things are going on - work is overwhelming and a lot of my book centered energy has been focused on updating my calibre library, since I finally have my own computer. My library is updated; now I'll just update as I add things (unless I decide to add or change things in calibre), so that takes away one issue. The other one - work - isn't going to get better any time soon and I do want to get back to chatting with my Shelfari friends. I think the other problem there is that we aren't reading similar books anymore, so there isn't as much to talk about. Oh well, it's still worth it for seeing what everyone is reading and what's going on in everyone's life.
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